After rigorous examination and evaluation, Dr. Tang Fei was awarded funding totaling €195,000 from Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (MSCA-IF)in Horizon 2020 – the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. This marks HFUT’s first successful application for MSCA-IF.
Horizon 2020 is one of the world’s biggest official scientific research programs and the most wide-ranging global scientific research programs with the greatest amount of funding in EU. It is noted for its supreme research standard and tough competition. Horizon 2020 is aimed at funding elite research fellows to launch cooperative studies with Europe as a means to drive scientific advancement.
Dr. Tang will start his cooperative study in University of Warwick, UK in next two years. The award has demonstrated the R&D capability of young research fellows of HFUT, and has won great acclaim for the university.
Written by: Ye Bin
Edited by: Wang Jian