Recently, the Ministry of Education announced the list of 2017 Changjiang Scholars Program. Professor Liu Xinbao has been appointed Changjiang Scholar Distinguished Professor and Professor Long Jiancheng Changjiang Young Scholar. Liu Xinbao is the first Changjiang Distinguished Professor who is independently fostered by HFUT and successfully applied for the title through our school. Long Jiancheng is the third young scholar of HFUT to win the title after Professor Wang Meng and Professor Hong Richang. Two professors’ appointment signifies a breakthrough in the construction of the high-level talents team of our school.
The “Changjiang Scholars Program” jointly sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of Education and Li Ka Shing Foundation, was initiated in August 1998. With the goal of promoting research levels of the universities in China, the award goes to China’s top scholars and young researchers with outstanding academic potential. The award winners are honored with the title of “Chang Jiang Distinguished Professor” and are provided with grants for their research. Since 2015, the program started to launch the “Changjiang Young Scholar” project that selects around 200 candidates each year.
Liu Xinbao is now a professor and a doctoral supervisor at School of Management of HFUT. He is also Director of Institute of Decision Science and Technology, Executive Director of Systems Engineering Society of China and Director of Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Engineering Committee, Systems Engineering Society of China.
Professor Liu’s teaching and research has focused on operation and system optimization, decision science and technology and optimization and decision making of complex products manufacturing progress. He has successively presided over more than 20 major projects. He leads his team in undertaking the project supported by the Foundation for Innovative Research Groups of the National Natural Science Foundation of China “Research on Decision Theory and Methods for Enterprises in the era of Internet and Big Data”, the project of the National Institute of Higher Education's Discipline Innovation Initiative “Complex Product Manufacturing Process Optimization and Decision Science Discipline Innovation and Intelligence Introduction Base”. He has published the academic monographOptimization and Management in Manufacturing Engineeringat Springer and more than 150 academic papers in major academic journals and academic conferences such asOmega, EJOR, IJPR, JORS, IEEE Transactions, Chinese Journal of Computers, System Engineering - Theory & Practice,etc. He has received 2 Second National Science and Technology Progress Award, 1 First Prize for Natural Science of the Ministry of Education, 1 First Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress in China Machinery Industry, 1 First Prize for Anhui Science and Technology Progress, and 1 Second Prize for Natural Science in Anhui Province and a second prize for National Teaching Achievement Award.

Prof. Liu is giving a presentation at the international conference
Long Jiancheng is a professor and a doctoral supervisor at School of Automotive and Transportation Engineering of HFUT. He is also a winner of the National Science Fund for Outstanding Young Scholars. In 2011, HFUT recruited professor Long Jiancheng as ‘Huangshan Young Scholar’, a program initiated by HFUT to bring in top talents. He is currently an editorial board member ofInternational Journal Transportation, Executive Director of Anhui Nonlinear Science Society, Executive Director of Intelligent Computing Council of Operations Research Society of China, Executive Director of the Management and Decision Science Committee, and a member of Transportation Management Research Institute, Society of Management Science and Engineering of China.
Professor Long is an award winning researcher in the areas of urban traffic behavior analysis and modeling and has achieved a series of innovative research results in urban dynamic traffic distribution theories and methods, urban traffic congestion propagation modeling and computer simulation, and urban traffic organization optimization and management. He has successively presided over the National Natural Science Foundation Youth Science Fund Project, the General Program, the Excellent Youth Science Fund Project, the New Century Excellent Talent Support Project of the Ministry of Education, the Young Teacher Fund Project of the Huo Yingdong Education Foundation College of Higher Education, and the China Postdoctoral Science Fund Project. And he has published over 50 papers in journals at home and abroad likeOperation Research, Transportation Research Part B, Transportation Part D, IEEE Transactions on intelligent Transportation Systems, European Journal of Operation Research, China Journal of Highway and Transport and Journal of the China Railway Society. Also, his doctoral dissertation “Studies on Congestion Propagation Properties and Dissipation Control Strategies of Urban Road Traffic” was nominated as the National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation in 2012.

Prof. Long is at the office