Time:10:00-11:00, December 18, 2019 (Wednesday)
Location:Conference room 1004, building B, technology and educationbuilding, Feicuihu Campus
Speaker: ProfessorYanrui Wu
From:Department of economics, University of Western Australia
Organizer:School of Economics
Lecturer introduce:ProfessorYanrui Wuis currently the director of the Department of economics, the lifelong Professor, the doctoral supervisor, the special professor of "Huangshan scholar" of Hefei University of Technology (Part-time); visiting professor of China University of science and technology, Southeast University, North China Electric Power University; former president of China Economic Research Association of Australia, visiting researcher of China Economic Research Center of Peking University, National University of Singapore He is a senior visiting researcher of East Asia Institute, visiting professor of Department of economics of Hong Kong Baptist University, School of economics of Nankai University, Asian agricultural business research center of University of Sydney (Orange) and Jinan University. The main research fields are development economics, international trade, regional economics and applied econometrics. He has successfully applied for and completed 40 scientific research projects, published 17 books (7 Monographs), published nearly 84 papers and 68 chapters of anonymous review books in journals of comparative economics, energy economics, economic research and other domestic and foreign journals. His personal works involve the analysis of China's economy, Asia Pacific economy, innovation and technological progress, economic growth and productivity growth.
Description:The Chinese government adopted a series of pollution reduction targets in its eleventh five-year (2006-2010) economic development program. Whether this program can achieve its goal of pollution reduction and quality improvement for exports is of vital importance for China’s sustainable development. This report aims to investigate the effects of these environmental regulation policies on export product quality by using the quasi-difference-in-difference method. Empirical results show that the implementation of these pollution reduction targets significantly reduces export product quality. This negative impact is more profound in western regions, capital-intensive sectors and privately-owned firms. Moreover, the negative effect is only observed among firms exporting to non-OECD countries, whereas the export quality of firms exporting to OECD countries is positively affected by the new policy. Lastly, our extended analysis shows that the negative effects can be mitigated through product switching within the firms.