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Oil Paintings of two HFUT professors selected into 12th National Fine Arts Exhib
time: Nov 9, 2014

Oil paintings by Professor Wu Jun and Professor Guo Kai from School of Architecture & Art, among the 10 pieces of work from Anhui Province, were selected into the 12th National Fine Arts Exhibition.

The Bustling Wharf by Prof. Wu vividly depicts the booming wharf on Yangtze River by contemporary expressionism while the work of Prof. Guo Kai – The First Snow on the Silent Ridge – resembles a misty poem boasting a fresh and graceful composition with rich implications.

The list of selected pieces has been hailed as being optimistic and with distinct characteristics of the times and the nation, displaying the social development, economic prosperity, cultural progress and the wellbeing of Chinese people. With integration of both creative art and life experiences, artists have condensed in their works ardent love for the country, people and life.

The 12th National Fine Arts Exhibition was jointly sponsored by Ministry of Culture, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and China Artists Association. Held every 5 years, the Exhibition provides an unique platform for outstanding artworks.