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HFUT Claims Most Patents in Anhui in 2014
time: May 1, 2015

The Conference on Intellectual Property Rights of Anhui was convened in Hefei recently. The conference awarded the top three universities in the holding of patents in 2014. HFUT scored the most patents with 573 patent applications and 217 granted in Anhui province.

According to the statistics of a report issued by Anhui Intellectual Property Office, HFUT has been holding the largest number of effective utility patents, patent applications and granted patents since 2011. Under the campaign of “Intellectual Property Strategy”, HFUT has organized “Year of Scientific Achievements” and set up “Autumn Harvest Project”, which cement the formation of independent IPR and independent innovations. Through improving the institutions and building an encouraging atmosphere for scientific research, HFUT has gradually put in place a new mechanism that facilitates the sustainability, incubation, pilot magnification and effective transformation of patents and innovations.

Over 200 people from Anhui Intellectual Property Office, directors of intellectual property offices at city and county levels, heads of the IPR service, research or assistance centers, universities and research institutes as well as other relevant organizations attended the conference.